

By combining techniques from tang soo do, judo, jujitsu, kenpo and kung fu, the kajukenbo stylist can defend himself in many ways. The techniques are arranged so that each technique will set up the next by following the reaction of the attacker's body. Like most karate systems kajukenbo has katas or forms. These 14 katas are known as "Palama Sets" 1 through 14. Kajukenbo takes a number of it's self defense techniques from it's katas. Although the Palama sets provide the kajukenbo stylist with many good techniques, kajukenbo's strength lies in it's self defense techniques. These self defense techniques are arranged and categorized into 15 grab arts, 21 punch counters, 15 knife counters, 13 club counters, 9 two and three man attack counters, and 26 advanced alphabet.

Kajukenbo was synthesized in the Palomas settlements of Hawaii during the years 1949-1952. Five practitioners of their respective martial arts developed Kajukenbo to complement each others styles to allow effective fighting at all ranges and speeds. Today kajukenbo is practiced all over the world. The principal organization for kajukenbo is the "Kajukenbo Self Defense Institute of Hawaii, Inc." based in San Diego, California.

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