Choi Kwang Do


Self-defense martial art. Choi Kwang-Do (The art of Grand Master Kwang Choi) is a dynamic, innovative approach to martial arts training. It is based on traditional, martial arts philosophy that emphasizes the ideal of personal and social development being paramount, rather than sports competition. The development of good manners, courtesy, self-discipline, self-confidence, and good social adjustment can be considered primary objectives of this art, along with self-defense.

Born March 2, 1942 in Tae Gu City, Korea, Kwang Jo Choi began his formal study of martial arts at age 12 under the famous Master Instructor, Dong Ju Li. Kwang Jo Choi began his study of Tae Kwon-Do (Korean hand and foot fighting art) under its founder, General Choi Hong Hi. He taught self defense to the Korean Army and National Police.

For some time, Master Choi had felt that many of the traditional techniques were too stylized and rigid for practical self defense. He discovered that many of these same techniques could actually harm the body and, over the long term, be detrimental to one's health and longevity. Also, Master Choi saw too much importance being placed on sports competition with the winning of trophies taking precedence over the ideals of personal and human development. Based on these observations, coupled with years of research and practical experience, Master Choi created Choi Kwang Do. It was officially introduced on March 2, 1987.

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